Site Map
- Home
- About
- The Council
- Councillors
- Cllr Leah Coles (Labour)
- Cllr Angelique Foster (Conservative)
- Cllr Marie Ireland (Conservative)
- Cllr Caroline Smith (Labour)
- Cllr John Yates (Labour)
- Cllr Graham Baxter (Labour)
- Cllr David Cheetham (Labour)
- Cllr Christine Smith (Labour)
- Cllr Lilian Deighton (Conservative)
- Cllr Michelle Emmens (Conservative)
- Cllr Pam Jones (Conservative) - Town Mayor
- Cllr Richard Welton (Conservative)
- Cllr Susan Burkitt (Conservative) - Deputy Town Mayor
- Cllr Mark Foster (Conservative)
- Cllr Anthony Hutchinson (Conservative)
- Cllr Alex Dale (Conservative)
- Cllr Philip Wright (Conservative)
- Cllr Gareth Hopkinson (Conservative)
- Cllr Kevin Tait (Conservative)
- Committees
- Full Council
- Budget Advisory Committee
- Cemetery Advisory Committee
- Civic Hall Committee
- Environmental Advisory Committee
- Events Advisory Committee
- Grant Awards Committee
- Gritting Advisory Committee
- Parks & Recreation Committee
- Personnel Advisory Committee
- Properties Advisory Committee
- Road Safety Advisory Committee
- Standing Orders Advisory Committee
- Representation on Outside Bodies
- Dronfield Town Twinning Federation
- Dronfield Old Peoples Welfare Committee
- Dronfield Henry Fanshawe School Foundation
- ATC Civilian Committee
- Footpaths & Bridleways Society
- Dronfield in Bloom Committee
- Coal Aston Bowls Pavilion Management Committee
- Lea Brook Valley Volunteers Management Committee
- Dronfield Town Football Club Management Committee
- Coal Aston Cricket Club Management Committee
- Dronfield Civic Society Awards Panel
- Dronfield Relief in Need Charity
- Thomas Taylor Charity
- Councillors
- Council Meetings
- Documents
- Finance
- Biodiversity
- Policies and Procedures
- Access to information
- A-Z of Services
- Planning
- Fault Report Form
- Contact Us
- Vacancies
- Public Notices Archive
- Agendas & Minutes
- The Council
- Community
- News
- Venue & Sports Pitch Hire
- Selling to the Council